Saturday 28 July 2018


Tandridge District Council says it is seeking funding for highway upgrades as part of its 4000-home South Godstone Garden Village proposal  

A £30m funding proposal to upgrade the area on the A22 (around Junction 6 of the M25) could be submitted to the Government in March.

Tandridge District Council (TDC) said it is working with Homes England, the Highways Agency and Surrey and West Sussex county councils to draw up a "detailed business case" for the idea. The road improvements would be needed to support the authority's controversial proposal for a 4000-home garden community in South Godstone. Feasibility studies are currently being carried out and a £30m funding bid is expected to be submitted to central government's Housing infrastructure fund.                                                                           
In Felbridge, the council is focusing on how more vehicles can use the southbound A22. TDC has not provided further details about plans for the junction with the M25; however it is thought this could be to improve the area around Junction 6 at Godstone, where the A22, A25 and M25 intersect.                                                                                                                                              
A TDC spokesman said: "Upgrades to the two respective junctions refer to works planned to increase capacity at these locations. Feasibility work is currently being undertaken on both junctions to find the best and most cost effective solution. "In Felbridge the study is looking at how capacity can be increased to the A22 southbound to East Grinstead (junction with the A264).        It is anticipated that both studies will be available around March."

The Local Plan refers to improvements and "mitigation" to junctions right along the A22 from the M25 down to Felbridge being "implemented where needed". It also says the building of an internal spine road to minimise the number of vehicles on the South Godstone stretch of the A22 should be explored.


Proposed upgrade to Godstone Station 

Network Rail have confirmed they have had meetings with Tandridge District Council regarding a proposed upgrade to Godstone station as part of proposed transport improvements in connection with plans for the 4000 home Garden Community in South Godstone.
Discussions have taken place regarding rail capacity, service frequency, strategic improvements on the rail network and upgrades to station facilities.

Wednesday 6 June 2018


     SEE NCS RESPONSE - Sept 2018 regarding the Draft Local Plan Consultation (Regulation 19) 
This has the full endorsement of the ten strong NCS Committee who represent 166 members - an additional 37 non-members have also expressed their support for this representation.

Tandridge Council (TDC) announce that South Godstone will be the preferred site for a Garden Village development of 4000 houses.
The other option at Redhill Aerodrome was always going to be a problem for development within the TDC Local Plan period, given the need for a motorway junction to the M23, although there will be ongoing pressure to deliver more homes than currently proposed by TDC as this is lower than the currently assessed need of 9,400 and significantly lower than the Government calculation of 12,900.
However, TDC Leader Martin Fisher has reiterated his vow to stand firm against this Government target which is viewed as unrealistic - see TDC press release below.
It will be interesting to see how the issue of housing development unfolds east of Redhill given the local interest of both councils (TDC and RBBC).
Protecting the local environment - Charity No 275088


Monday 29 January 2018

REDHILL AERODROME land 'safeguarded' by Reigate&Banstead Council

Running alongside the Tandridge Local Plan negotiations – is the consultation
(Regulation 19 Development Management Plan) from Reigate & Banstead Council
Refer to pages 158/159

Vast amounts of greenbelt are proposed to be 'safeguarded' (including part of Redhill Aerodrome) for possible housing development post 2027.  Less than 40% of the aerodrome land is within the Reigate & Banstead Authority boundary and the larger balance is controlled by Tandridge District Council.
DMP Sustainability Appraisal Oct 2017:  "The development is likely to have a significant negative impact on landscape character due to the size of the site in a currently undeveloped area in the countryside"
It is good that MP Crispin Blunt is opposed to any housing development on the aerodrome site - see his quote: “I will, therefore, be enlisting support for my opposition to the Redhill Aerodrome Development proposal in the coming months and believe that there is a groundswell of local like-minded opinion to support such a campaign”.
Any proposed housing development on green belt land on or adjacent to the aerodrome site will have a huge negative effect upon the local community with a large increase in traffic using local lanes which are already overloaded by vehicles using these as short-cuts.
THE CONSULTATION CLOSES at 5pm on Friday 23 February 2018 
Refer to the SUMMARY LIST OF OBJECTIONS  your own responses

See also
1. NCS Response on DMP Consultation
              2. Response from All Party Group on Aviation