Tuesday 25 June 2019

Biggin Hill Consultation - Design Principles

See: NCS submission to Biggin Hill Airspace Design Principles Questionnaire

Biggin Hill response
Dear Stakeholder,   We have now completed the initial phase of our engagement to establish our Design Principles for the redevelopment of the Airspace in the Southeast of England.
Thank you very much to those who have responded to our Design Principles Questionnaire or for attending a focus group event. We are very grateful for everybody’s engagement with the process and for all of the views expressed by the various representative bodies and individuals.
The questionnaire responses have been analysed along with the comments and discussion recorded during the focus groups to formulate an initial list of Design Principles. We now need your help to provide further comments on the list and to help us understand which Design Principles are most important to you or your organisations.
Please take a look at the attached Design Principles. For each of the ten Design Principles we would like you to complete the table as follows:
1. Do you agree with this Design Principle:  Yes or No
2. Please rank the 10 Design Principles in order of priority from 1 Highest to 10 Lowest.
3. If you feel any of the Design Principles are not applicable to you, please mark it as ‘0’.
4. Please use the Comments Box to provide comments as to why you agree or disagree with the Design Principle or to suggest any additional Design Principles you feel ought to be considered by us.