TAG-A25 was formed following
concerns raised by the residents of Nutfield, Bletchingley and Godstone regarding the increasing HGV volume on the A25 between Redhill and Godstone and the campaign group has united representation from all 3 villages
This stretch of
the A25 is already extremely busy and there are increasing safety issues with
vehicles speeding through narrow points.>view A25 pinch-points
The situation will be compounded by the Mercers South Quarry activity involving up to an additional 240 HGV’s per day using the A25 for the transportation
of 4.1m tonnes of sand aggregate.
> view details of Mercers Farm site
For further details please contact info@nutfieldconservationsociety.org.uk
TAG Campaign success
A25 Speed Limit reduced to 40mph
We hope this will help to reduce the speed of vehicles travelling through the narrow Nutfield High St.
Councils agree installation of Air Quality monitor on A25

EU limit values and the UK Air Quality Strategy objectives for particulate matter (measured as PM10) are as follows:
The acceptable limit in any area is 40ug/m3 (annual average reading) and 50ug/m3 (individual exceedence - not to exceed 35 in any year).
If any readings are shown to be in excess of these levels, then Tandridge Council have agreed to install their own monitoring equipment and take action to reduce the level of pollution.
During tests in 2018, a number of individual data recordings exceeded the 50ug/m3 level so the monitor has been re-calibrated against higher grade monitors to ensure any future readings are robust. Concern continues regarding pollution levels on the A25.
The monitor is back in place in 2019 providing accurate data for PM air quality monitoring at this location. Results will be published on this site when available.