Friday 12 July 2019

Local Plan updates - a) Reigate&Banstead b) Tandridge

a) Reigate&Banstead Plan update:

The Council has now received the report of Helen Hockenhull BA (Hons) B.PI MRTPI into the Reigate&Banstead Development Management Plan (DMP)
Her report is available to view and download from the Concil's website at

Extracts below relevant to Nutfield:

Redhill Aerodrome site
It has not been demonstrated that exceptional circumstances exist for the Redhill Aerodrome site to be removed from the Green Belt and safeguarded for development
Surrey hills AONB to be afforded the highest level of protection.
AGLV designation has been in place since the 1950's and provides an important buffer to the AONB protecting views into the area.

East Surrey Hospital site (incl adjacent land to the east) total 26 hectares
The inspector is satisfied there are exceptional circumstances for the hospital site to be removed from the Green Belt which will allow planned expansion of the hospital site.

b) Tandridge Plan update:

The Tandridge Local Plan has been awarded £150,000 by the Government to help progress the design and delivery of a Garden Community in South Godstone. This is one of 19 similar awards. The award does not mean that formal planning approval has been given and the proposed development will still be subject to the Local Plan Examination which we understand has been postponed until October 2019.  
The council said the money would help progress the design and delivery of the new community which would include affordable homes, schools, healthcare facilities and upgraded transport links. Being part of the government programme would give the authority access to extensive support and expertise "to help overcome any barriers which might affect the delivery".