Friday 11 December 2020

NUTFIELD GREEN PARK - update December 2020

Residents of Nutfield Parish have received a leaflet from Nutfield Green Park Ltd providing updated detail of their proposed plans to form an application to Tandridge District Council for outline planning permission. The development proposes to include the following:

- 239 new homes set in four separate areas

- A rehabilitation and respite facility

- 100 'Extra Care' apartments

- An Outdoor Activity Park

- A Wellbeing Centre (to include GP Surgery, Community Shop, Restaurant/Cafe, Creche, Business Hub, Community Event Space, Indoor+Outdoor Gyms, Sport Treatment Rooms, Outdoor Play Area, Changing Rooms, Toilets and other amenities

The details now shown on this leaflet differ from that originally advised and from that previously shown on the document submitted  > Scoping document March 2019               The leaflet refers to the new vision being available via their website. 

NCS have provisionally responded to Nutfield Green Park Co Ltd to request clarification of exactly what is proposed in an application and meanwhile maintain opposition to the proposed concept  - see NCS response Dec 2020 

Formal comments will be made once full detail of the planning application are known.

<map included on leaflet>

Thursday 10 September 2020

Redhill Aerodrome - Planning Application for widened Taxiway C/D

Redhill Aerodrome submitted a retrospective planning application (20/01430/F) to Reigate & Banstead Council in respect of works completed in 2015 to widen and straighten the hard-standing on Taxiway C/D. NCS have been in liaison with Salfords & Sidlow Parish Council to ensure a consistent approach is adopted with any response. NCS replied expressing concerns regarding any perceived intensification with the number of flights possible from the modified taxiway being used as a runway. 

See >NCS comment on 2015 Taxiway works

We await the planning decision regarding these retrospective works.

Tandridge Local Plan - Transport Queries

We are advised that, following the decision on the failed HIF bid relating to the Godstone Garden Community, the Inspector raised some queries with Tandridge Council regarding the adequacy of a suitable transport network. 

It may be possible for TDC to show that there is sufficient capacity to secure an adequate supply of deliverable housing sites, prior to the necessary transport mitigation being put into place.  Links to the latest exchanges between TDC and The Inspector are: 1) Initial Inspector queries (ref ID12)   2) TDC initial response     3) TDC Follow-up response  4) Inspector latest response (ref ID13)

Of course the Inspector may consider that the existing transport evidence is not adequate for such conclusions to be drawn or, if it is considered necessary to determine the level of housing development which would lead to the transport effects becoming severe, then further transport modelling work may be required. We await deliberations by the Inspector on soundness of the Plan or otherwise what further actions are required by TDC

Surrey Hills AONB Boundary Review


The Surrey Hills AONB was only the second landscape to be designated in England and the boundary had not been reviewed since its original designation in 1958.  Significant parts of the adjacent countryside outside the AONB had been designated as Areas of Great Landscape Value (AGLV) and the Surrey Hills Board felt this area was now worthy of review.

The AONB Partnership commissioned landscape consultants Hankinson Duckett Associates (HDA) to conduct a search for areas that might be considered for re-designation as AONB.  The first stage was to review the Surrey Landscape Character Assessment ‘The future of Surrey’s landscape and woodlands’ from 1997. This would bring it in to line with current Natural England character assessment guidance of 2002 and create a framework for evaluation as recommended by the earlier consultants Alison Farmer Associates. Landscape character assessment is a systematic way of analysing the elements that make one area of landscape different in character to another, but makes no judgment on landscape quality.

The second stage was to conduct a search within this framework, looking for candidate areas that met the criteria which contribute to natural beauty as set out in the current Natural England Guidance published in March 2011.

In November 2013, the Surrey Hills AONB Board formally submitted a request that Natural England (NE) consider a modification to the AONB boundary based on 38 candidate areas recommended by HDA. Nutfield Ridge was included in the suggested boundary revision. In February 2014, the NE Board agreed to consider the evidence submitted on the candidate areas.

The formal process for seeking a modification requires an assessment by NE to determine if the candidate areas submitted meet the statutory criteria of an AONB. There are various stages to go through, including regulatory assessments and, ultimately, the decision rests with the Environment Secretary. Unfortunately, NE had already committed to deliver the Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB boundary review at the time of their Board’s decision to review the Surrey Hills situation.  Due to the complexity of the process they were therefore unable to commence the Surrey Hills review until completion of the Suffolk review.

The NE Board finally approved the Suffolk Coast and Heaths (Designation Variation) Order 2019 on 22 July 2019 and the legal paperwork was submitted to the Secretary of State for confirmation. The Secretary of State confirmed the Order on 7 July 2020, which clears the way for the Surrey Hills AONB boundary review to proceed to the next stage.

See > Surrey Hills boundary-review with recommended additional areas

Tuesday 3 March 2020

NUTFIELD GREEN PARK - proposed development

Members have reported recent activity by developers at this site involving machinery clearing sites/hedging and reconstructing the bank on edge of the Church car park as shown in photo on left. Other photos received show the scale of works carried out in advance of planning approval. This will have caused considerable disturbance to reported wildlife in this area recorded in the Environmental Statement provided by Surrey Council last year: see> Scoping Opinion 2019

NCS will continue close monitoring of the site/s and are in regular liaison with Environmental Officers at Surrey Council. We hope that the developers will provide respect to the wildlife in this woodland setting and await formal details of proposed plans.

UPDATED SITE MAP - David Jarvis Associates

See the original details (posted by NCS in April 2019)

This involves plans for an Activity Park development to be located on the old Laportes land to the north of the A25 at Nutfield. Plans will include an Activity Centre, a Nursing Home plus 105 Housing units.
Development is stated to involve up to 60 HGVs per day (120 movements) with planned access onto the A25 where the red dot is showing - to the east of Nutfield Cemetery. 
Potential access for leisure use is shown as a green dot on Church Hill - at the car park opposite the Church of St Peter & St Paul.   New cottages are planned alongside existing cottages east of the Inn on The Pond and Nutfield Cricket Ground per map below.

Tuesday 28 January 2020

Gatwick departure routes 3 and 4

Airspace classification review 2019–2020
o   The Route 3 SID track utilised following PR-NAV implementation in 2013 does not follow the NPR centre-line and requires aircraft to drift up to 600k north directly over South Nutfield at 3000ft altitude (see Route 3 SID showing NPR centre-line)
 o   The current altitude restriction and lateral deviation (from the NPR centre-line) causes unnecessary environmental harm to the settlements of Nutfield and Earlswood (Redhill),

Consideration should be given to removing the current altitude restrictions for waypoints KKN09 and KKW19 and allow departing Gatwick aircraft using route 3 to reach 4000ft before reaching gate 1 (as pre-2012) plus be allowed to climb above 5000ft and vectored away from Nutfield (under control of ATC).

Route 4 PIR Report 2019
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has now published a draft report of its Post Implementation Review (PIR) of Gatwick Airport Limited’s Route 4 RNAV-1 SID Airspace Change Proposal. The draft report is available at > CAA R4 report /CAP1872.

Route 4 is one of Gatwick’s departure routes for aircraft taking off from the airport toward the west. Soon after take-off, aircraft wrap 180 degrees round to the right and head east (passing south of Nutfield Parish).  Following a Judicial Review of its original decision regarding this ACP, the CAA realised that the decision was based on a misunderstanding of the location of the conventional SID. The CAA's draft report of its PIR therefore concludes that the implemented ACP is not a satisfactory replication of the Route 4 conventional departure route and because of this it does not meet the ACP’s original stated aim. This means that Route 4’s RNAV-1 SID will be de-notified and removed from the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP). As a result aircraft will be required to fly the 2012 conventional SID which was re-instated on 12 September 2019.The CAA are asking for comments before 3 February 2020 and cannot commit to taking into account comments received after this date.                       
You can see our response to this consultation at > NCS response to CAA R4 Report
In this response we have made the point that Gatwick departure route 3 should also be more properly realigned on the NPR (Noise Preferential Route) which would take aircraft one kilometer south of Nutfield Parish. Following the changes which were confirmed by the CAA in 2013 for aircraft taking off from the east on route 3 and engaging a similar wrap around manoeuvre before flying west - currently pass directly over South Nutfield on a track which is also not representative of the pre-2013 position (see map below):