Tuesday 21 September 2021


Tandridge provided an update to the Inspector advising that they expected to be in a position to respond by 5 Jan 2022 by which time they hoped to have received the appropriate detail from their transport consultants (see TED49 Nov 2021)

13 September 2021: Tandridge received a reply from the Inspector (ID19 - Sept 2021) in response to their letter. This would now seem to inevitably lead to a new Local Plan being necessary with maybe Tandridge needing to revert to a housing supply via several smaller sites (as suggested in para 11 of this latest letter).

27 August 2021: Tandridge sent an update (TED48to the Inspector on the latest delay with the high-level transport modelling  This letter proposes the actions they will be undertaking to address the issues raised by Surrey County Council and Highways England. They will also propose an alternative option prompted by the ongoing delay to the traffic modelling and regarding the August timeframe.

19 July 2021: Tandridge wrote to the Inspector (TED47) to update him on the Council’s thoughts on how to progress the Local Plan Examination. They also provided him with a Statement which outlines the initial findings of the assessment of potential mitigation measures for Junction 6 of the M25.

30 June 2021: Tandridge sent a response outlining the progress of the high-level transport modelling work and the decision-making process TED46 Update to Inspector.


See the TDC website for full update details of the Local Plan

NUTFIELD GREEN PARK - Application update

We are pleased to report that the planning application TA/2021/1040 was REFUSED at a Tandridge Planning Meeting last night (20 Sept).  The decision was overwhelming with a unanimous vote from council after the planning report identified numerous issues with the application - justifying the reasons to refuse > see issues in TDC report

The NCS objection covered several of these issues > see NCS Objection August 2021

NCS hope that the Government will scrap their ill-advised planning reforms and allow councils to determine local housing policy.

Friday 17 September 2021



                    £5 each  available from:


     or order via e.mail: info@nutfieldconservationsociety.org.uk 

           All funds to Nutfield Conservation Society - charity no 275088