Members have reported recent activity by developers at this site involving machinery clearing sites/hedging and reconstructing the bank on edge of the Church car park as shown in photo on left. Other photos received show the scale of works carried out in advance of planning approval. This will have caused considerable disturbance to reported wildlife in this area recorded in the Environmental Statement provided by Surrey Council last year: see> Scoping Opinion 2019
NCS will continue close monitoring of the site/s and are in regular liaison with Environmental Officers at Surrey Council. We hope that the developers will provide respect to the wildlife in this woodland setting and await formal details of proposed plans.
UPDATED SITE MAP - David Jarvis Associates |
See the original details (posted by NCS in April 2019)
This involves plans for an Activity Park development to be located on the old Laportes land to the north of the A25 at Nutfield. Plans will include an Activity Centre, a Nursing Home plus 105 Housing units.
Development is stated to involve up to 60 HGVs per day (120 movements) with planned access onto the A25 where the red dot is showing - to the east of Nutfield Cemetery.
Potential access for leisure use is shown as a green dot on Church Hill - at the car park opposite the Church of St Peter & St Paul. New cottages are planned alongside existing cottages east of the Inn on The Pond and Nutfield Cricket Ground per map below.