Letter from:
Application by Gatwick Airport Limited for an Order Granting Development Consent for the Gatwick Airport Northern Runway ProjectNotice of amended decision date by the Secretary of State and Request for information from the applicantInterested Party Reference number: 20043186(You must quote your Interested Party Reference number in all correspondence with the Planning Inspectorate). Dear Sir / Madam Please find below a link to a letter that has been published on the National Infrastructure Planning website on behalf of the Secretary of State for Transport in relation to the above project. https://infrastructure. The Secretary of State is minded to grant consent for the proposed development, subject to further information or evidence from the applicant on a number of specific issues. The following documents have been published: Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report (PDF, 7MB) and Appendices (PDF, 4MB) Post-Examination Submissions To allow time for the applicant to submit further information by 24 April 2025 and to allow for consultation on the further information with Interested Parties, the Secretary of State has set a new deadline of 27 October 2025 for her decision on this application. For further information, please refer to the Written Ministerial Statement laid in Parliament. You can also view the letter under the Documents tab on the project webpage of the National Infrastructure Planning website: Yours faithfully Web: https://infrastructure. Web: www.gov.uk/government/ |